Module 2 - Publish API with OAS3 spec file via API


We will clean up the previous lab in order to configure exactly the same objetcts but with API calls only.

Clean up the APIm configuration

  1. In the controller GUI, go to APIs left menu and click on the existing API definintion arcadia-api-def

  2. On the right panel

    1. Delete the Production API by clicking the trash button

    2. Delete the API definition arcadia-api-def



Your API Definitions environment is clean.

Create and publish an API Definition with the Controller API


We will execute exactly the same job but by using the NGINX Controller control plane only. No GUI.

  1. Connect to the Jumphost (user / user)

  2. Launch Postman

    1. Open Arcadia OAS collection

    2. And run all calls from top to bottom


    For every call, check what is happening in the controller GUI

  3. At then end, you should have the same results as the previous lab.

  4. Edit the Published API

  5. Check the Routing. You can see the routes are imported from the OAS3 file and the mapping is done with the components.

  6. Make a quick test with the Arcadia API postman collection


Check the call Import API Definition OAS3, we imported an OAS3 YAML File directly in the Controller with all the definitions and documentations


In a near future, we will learn more on API definition versions


As you can notice, there is no security applied on the Component. Let’s move to the next lab to assign a BIG-IP and Controller security policy