Protect Arcadia Application with Declarative WAF


ONLY IF YOU START THE LAB FROM HERE - ELSE DON’T READ THIS WARNING. If you want to start from here (because you are only interested by Declarative WAF), and do not want to run all the steps before, you can use Postman and Jenkins to create everything for you. To do so, follow the steps below.

  1. Open Jenkins and run the pipeline DeployMainApp

  2. Open Postman, and select the collection Arcadia Manual Pipeline - no CICD

  3. Run the calls

    1. Login to NGINX Controller

    2. Create WebApp Application

    3. Create MainApp Component

    4. Create BackEnd Component

  4. Open Jenkins and run the pipeline DeployApp2

  5. Open Postman, and select the collection Arcadia Manual Pipeline - no CICD

  6. Run the call

    1. Create App2 Component

  7. Open Jenkins and run the pipeline DeployApp3

Now, Arcadia App is fully deployed and the NGINX Controller is set up.

In this module, we will deploy a WAF policy to protect Arcadia Bank application and we will publish it. With v16.0 (and in draft in v15.1), the WAF policy can be deployed via a declarative call, and the WAF policy itself is a JSON file.


We use the new v15.1/v16.0 Declarative WAF policy. You can retrieve the JSON Policy in the GitLab repo and below.

    "policy": {
        "name": "policy-fund-1",
        "description": "Policy Example - Rapid Deployment",
        "template": {
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "server-technologies": [
                "serverTechnologyName": "MySQL"
                "serverTechnologyName": "Unix/Linux"
                "serverTechnologyName": "MongoDB"
        "signature-settings": {
            "signatureStaging": false
        "policy-builder": {
            "learnOnlyFromNonBotTraffic": false
        "response-pages": [
                "responsePageType": "ajax",
                "ajaxEnabled": true,
                "ajaxPopupMessage": "My customized popup message! Your support ID is: <%TS.request.ID()%>"


You can notice this JSON policy is based in Rapid Deployment template and we added few things like Server-Technologies, Signature Staging, Policy Buidler and Response Page.

Step 1 - Send an attack

  1. In Chrome, in Arcadia web application, refer a friend

  2. Send an attack with the below payload in the refer friend field



    This attacks means return everything not equals to

  3. Attack succeed and you can get the DB content


Step 2 - Push AS3 declaration to deploy the WAF policy


It is important to understand what we are doing here. We are leveraging all the new v16.0 Adv. WAF Declarative policy features. With one API call (done by Jenkins and Ansible), we will deploy a new AS3 declaration with a WAF policy.

Check the files used here

  1. In Gitlab, open Administrator / as3-waf project

  2. You can see several files, but the most important are

    1. playbook-v16.yaml

    2. as3-v16.json

    3. policy-fund-1.json

  3. Open policy-fund-1.json

        "policy": {
            "name": "policy-fund-1",
            "description": "Policy Example - Rapid Deployment",
            "template": {
                "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT"
            "enforcementMode": "blocking",
            "server-technologies": [
                    "serverTechnologyName": "MySQL"
                    "serverTechnologyName": "Unix/Linux"
                    "serverTechnologyName": "MongoDB"
            "signature-settings": {
                "signatureStaging": false
            "policy-builder": {
                "learnOnlyFromNonBotTraffic": false
            "response-pages": [
                    "responsePageType": "ajax",
                    "ajaxEnabled": true,
                    "ajaxPopupMessage": "My customized popup message! Your support ID is: <%TS.request.ID()%>"


    This is our declarative JSON WAF policy

  4. Open as3-v16.json

        "class": "AS3",
        "action": "deploy",
        "persist": true,
        "declaration": {
            "class": "ADC",
            "schemaVersion": "3.2.0",
            "id": "Prod_Web_AS3",
            "Web-Prod": {
                "class": "Tenant",
                "defaultRouteDomain": 0,
                "arcadia": {
                    "class": "Application",
                    "template": "generic",
                    "VS_WebApp": {
                        "class": "Service_HTTPS",
                        "remark": "Accepts HTTPS/TLS connections on port 443",
                        "virtualAddresses": [""],
                        "redirect80": false,
                        "pool": "pool_NGINX_WebApp",
                        "policyWAF": {
                            "use": "Arcadia_WAF_policy"
                        "securityLogProfiles": [{
                            "bigip": "/Common/Log all requests"
                        "profileTCP": {
                            "egress": "wan",
                            "ingress": { "use": "TCP_Profile" } },
                        "profileHTTP": { "use": "custom_http_profile" },
                        "serverTLS": { "bigip": "/Common/arcadia_client_ssl" }
                    "Arcadia_WAF_policy": {
                        "class": "WAF_Policy",
                        "url": "",
                        "ignoreChanges": true
                    "pool_NGINX_WebApp": {
                        "class": "Pool",
                        "monitors": ["http"],
                        "members": [{
                            "servicePort": 8080,
                            "serverAddresses": [""]
                    "custom_http_profile": {
                        "class": "HTTP_Profile",
                        "xForwardedFor": true
                    "TCP_Profile": {
                        "class": "TCP_Profile",
                        "idleTimeout": 60 }


    In this AS3 declaration, you can notice the new v16.0 Adv. WAF Reference section (Arcadia_WAF_policy). This section refers to our external JSON policy file, and will upload, import and apply the policy in the BIG-IP.

  5. Open playbook-v16.yaml`

    - hosts: bigip
    connection: local
    gather_facts: false
        my_admin: "admin"
        my_password: "admin"
        bigip: ""
    - name: Deploy AS3 WebApp
        url: "https://{{ bigip }}/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare"
        method: POST
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
            "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="
        body: "{{ lookup('file','as3-v16.json') }}"
        body_format: json
        validate_certs: no
        status_code: 200


    You can see the playbook is very simple in v16.0 thanks to the AS3 call. It will do all the job for us. This playbook is just sending an AS3 declaration call to the BIGIP.

Run the CI/CD pipeline

  1. In Jenkins, click on DeployWAF pipeline

  2. Run the pipeline

  3. In Chrome, launch an incognito window, and retry the attack

  4. Attack fails and you can notice the AJAX blocking page set in the JSON declarative WAF policy

  5. Check logs in the BIG-IP
