DevOps deploy Money Transfer application

In this module, we will deploy the Money Tranfer container for Arcadia Bank application and we will publish it.


At the end of this module, Arcadia Bank application will look like this.



In this lab, we will automate some tasks in the controller. As you noticed in the previous lab, it is long to create and you can make mistakes. We will deploy a new component using the NGINX Controller API.

Step 1 - Deploy Arcadia App2 with a CI/CD pipeline like a DevOps

  1. In Gitlab, click on Administrator / Arcadia-App2

    1. Click on file deploy

    2. Click edit and make a modification - like YES !!!!!

    3. Click Commit changes


    At this moment, you simulate a commit like a DevOps. This commit will trigger a webhook to Jenkins, so that Jenkins execute a pipeline.

  2. In Jenkins, click on DeployApp2 pipeline

  3. A pipeline is running, click on it

  4. You can follow the steps



At this stage, App2 (Money Transfer app) is deployed un K8S. But you need to publish it via the controller.

Step 2 - Publish Money Transfer App with NGINX+ and Controller

  1. In the Jumphost open Postman

  2. Open collection Deploy Component App2

    1. Send the first call Log in NGINX Controller

    2. Send the second call Create App2 Component


    With one click, you created the component. Fast and no human mistake.

  3. Connect to Controller GUI and check the new component in web application arcadia



    You can notice the new Money Transfer component is created

  4. In Chrome refresh the page. You can see the new App Money Transfer

  5. Transfer some money to your friends in order to populate analytics
